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And then there was Color

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Updated: Nov 17, 2020

Welcome to Amazing’s photo blog, "And Then There Was Color".

Our studio has colorized black & white photos for over 18 years, Our customers include top museums, television documentaries, publications, promotional merchandise - and families like yours. Contact us today at


At Amazing Colorizing we're celebrating the 18th birthday of our most-prolific client and "Official Teen Correspondent", Chase Tallman of Schenectady, New York.

Chase commissions us to colorize some of the most-pristine B&W images we get to colorize. We have a recurring Blog feature called "Chase Tallman's Schenectady".

We LOVE Chase's spirit! He's on-fire to see History brought to life in Color - and his youthful enthusiasm is contageous.

America has a story - and Chase is doing his part to preserve and display it.

His mom and dad have learned that Chase's gft of choice on special occasions is the opportunity to commission colorized photos from Amazing Colorizing. Whether he's celebrating his Birthday, Christmas, a random Friday - Chase is all about recreating Black and White History in Color - so, he can see the way it REALLY looked.

We have no doubt that once our nation comes off lock-down, and museums reopen to the public - he'll be sharing his Colorized History Collection with everyone. Trust me - it's coming!

Here's a selection of Chase's BEST Images - with Color by Amazing Colorizing


Mt. Davidson Park, San Francisco (1941) Who wouldn't love to own this Pontiac convertible?

WRGB-TV, Albany, New York. Here's "Glendora" on the set of her 1950s children's show.

"Chase Tallman's Schenectady". Winter rush hour traffic in Schenectady, New York (1971)

"It's Howdy Doody Time". (L-R) Buffalo Bob Smith, Howdy Doody, and Claribell Clown (1957)

WRGB-TV Channel 4 Mobile Unit. Chack out these classic TV cameras! (1950s)

Aqueduct Grocery. This was an early American grocery chain. Love the metal signs! (1948)

Downtown Scotia, New York. Chase Tallman and Amazing Colorizing transform Small Town America as it REALLY looked in bygone days. (circa 1948).

An American Family watching TV. Yes, it's true - families used to do things together. (1958)

Thank you Chase. You have a growing colorized photo collection to share with the World. May your 18th birthday be the BEST one, yet! - David (Color Artist at Amazing Colorizing).

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